Privacy Policy and the Pacer register are united ideas of Keegan Rowe and Todd Grover, both Perth based VH Pacer owners, put into action through voluntary funding and labour. We have produced this website for the sole purpose of tracking down the remaining Chrylser Valiant VH Pacers. Later it was expanded to VF and VG models too.

Registration information

To have your Pacer displayed on the register, we ask that you fill out as much information as you can, on the Registration Form. To ensure that the information you supply is accurate and that the car actually exists, we request that you include a clear photo of the compliance plate. The information contained on this will be limited to the creators of the Pacer Register, and will only be used to verify the submitted cars.

If, for some reason, you own a Pacer but would not like your Pacer to be displayed on the register, please consider submitting your details to us so that we can still continue to achieve our goal of tracking down Pacers. Your vehicle information will not go beyond the creators of this site if you so choose - On the Registration Form, just uncheck the box about displaying your vehicle on the register.

Your privacy

The information gathered from your submission will be only used for displaying the vehicle on the register, and will not be used for any other purpose. Your E-Mail address will be withheld from the register if specified in the Registration Form, or at a later date if you change your mind. Periodically, we may contact the owner to verify that the vehicle is still in their possession. If the owner does not own the vehicle or is unable to be contacted, the owner information in the register may be withdrawn.

If the license plate of the vehicle is visible in the submitted photograph, it can be removed before it goes on to the normal register if requested. Vehicles on the 'Odd Register' where the owner details are unknown will present their license plate (where available) purely for the purpose of trying to track down the unknown owner, and the cars current whereabouts.

If you have any questions or are hesitant about submitting your details, or would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Important information about ads: This site has been running for 23 years, providing information about Chrysler Valiant Pacers. The site has never made a penny (it was never intended to do so) and was built for the love of Pacers, however it has always cost money to run. In 2018 I put some ad's on the site to see if the website can somehow cover its costs and so far the ads look like they'll cover about 50% of the annual running costs. If you see an ad that interests you, please click on it, as it will help! Just seeing ads does not achieve anything, and so if you would rather not see any ad's, you can click here to not see any more. It looks like you've opted to not see any ads, which is fine, but if you want you can turn them back on here.